Starting at $125.00
Solar Lighting for Night-time Display
Minimum of 25 coordinating Graphics
Birthday Recipients Name
Large 48-inch Numbers for Age
Large 48-inch Birthday Cake Graphic
Up to 24 hours in the yard

Starting at $115.00
Solar Lighting for Night-time Display
Minimum 20 coordinating Graphics
Choose From 7 Greetings
Up to 24 Hours in the yard
Starting at $85.00
Minimum 15 coordinating Graphics
Choose From 7 Greetings
Up to 24 hours in the yard
Starting at $115.00
Solar Lighting for Night-time Display
Minimum 20 coordinating Graphics
Customized Greeting up to 25 Characters
Up 24 hours in the yard
Starting at $95.00
Minimum 15 coordinating Graphics
Customized Greeting up to 25 Characters
Up to 24 hours in the yard
Starting at $115.00
Solar Lighting for Night-time Display
Minimum 20 coordinating Graphics
Choose From 7 Greetings
Up to 24 hours in the yard
Starting at $95.00
Minimum 15 coordinating Graphics
Choose from 4 Greetings
Up to 24 hours in the yard
Starting at $115.00
Solar Lighting for Night-time Display
Minimum 20 coordinating Graphics
Custom Greeting up to 25 Characters
Up to 24 hours at the school location
Starting at $95.00
Minimum 15 coordinating Graphics
Custom Greeting up to 25 Characters
Up to 24 hours at the school location
Starting at $65.00
Solar Lights for Night-time Display
Choose a Greeting
Up to 24 hours in the yard